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  • Writer's pictureAngeline Nyabepu

Amai Mugabe a figure of Empowerment

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

I have had private conversations with a friend on the affairs of our nation, Zimbabwe and we have expressed our feelings concerning the issues, particularly the leadership. She sent me the featured photo and asked me what l felt and saw. Prior to her asking me this question l had pondered on Amai Grace Mugabe while driving from work. What l write here is my reply.

I see a beautiful family holding together and moving on with their lives. I am more interested in Amai Grace Mugabe because she stands out to me as the glue, a pillar of strength for her husband and children. However l will start with a few words on the President Himself.
You can't keep a blessed man down, yes they probably go through the emotional highs and lows, the pains, feeling betrayed and rejected etc just like we all do. However, l think the glory of God still shines upon them. The anointing of God still speaks over the president. For 95 the man looks good. With long life God is satisfying him. People used to declare "long live President Robert Mugabe" and the prophecy was spoken for years, it took root and manifested itself. The blessing is always stronger than the curse (Numbers 22:11).
Look at the old testament, God used to kill bad kings and the good would live long (Proverbs 11:19).

The question l always ask myself is "Surely, if God did not want Mugabe to be president, wouldn't He just remove him?". I am sure he would. However, we never see whats ahead but only God sees, this is why as a nation we should have those who walk in wisdom to give us insight. All the kings in the bible had prophetic advisors who were especially for the king (1 Chronicles 21:9). The best the current president can do is make President Mugabe a consultant. Mugabe still has a lot to pour or he wouldn't be around. People live for purpose.

Lets look at Amai Grace Mugabe. The one who draws my attention not because of her bright outfit but as a FIGURE OF EMPOWERMENT. I know most people look at her negatives. Nevertheless, in this article, I choose to go past the labels the enemy puts on people and focus on who she is in Christ. Just like her husband empowered a nation or nations she empowers me as well. The message she gives me is you should STAND no-matter what!, She says Be LOYAL! Be a MOTHER!.

Let me explain, her prominent position makes her issues, shortfalls and humanity exposed. We all have these shortfalls and issues. We get away with them because we do these things in secret, no one knows us and frankly who cares. Grace Mugabe needed women around her, proper mothers, women of God, vakadzi vanovaka nekumunamatira vasina agenda. Moreover, she needed and still needs to be uplifted. She needs people to speak life in her life and home. Although, the woman knows how to hold together. She needed or probably still could do with your freedom sessions and my loveflow sessions . However, even without them she still manages to lift her head up high, look good, stand and address audiences. Furthermore,makes her man look good as well as take care of him, moreover looks out and after her children. All this is power, she is a figure of empowerment.
Maybe as a presidents wife we could say she failed. On the other hand, I see a misunderstood woman who fought with the wrong weapons because of lack of woman empowering mentor-ship in public etiquette and respectful voicing of opinion, issues and feelings.
With all the hate, cursing, embarrassment they went through, a weak person would be hiding in bed or dressing in a depressed humble way. Most people with peacock characters easily get deflated but not Grace, she still puts on her bright yellows and exhibits power. She is powerful because we still have a lot to say concerning her and the proof is right now we are discussing her. Furthermore, this woman is young but she continues to be loyal to her husband.

I feel as though there was a sense yekuti their life is over but l believe they are just becoming comfortable in a different phase where there will soar better and higher than before without limits,this is if they ignore the negative words and actions of external forces. For the children life is just beginning, their future is very bright and need sunglasses to see it. I just pray that as a nation we forgive and allow them to be and grow. Healing needs to take place in us and the family as well.

If we say we are a christian country then we need to stop just proclaiming it and begin to be christian. We need to cover our leaders as we are told in 1 Timothy 2:2. The scripture does not say if they are good pray for them if they are not curse them or don't cover them. It says pray then it goes on to say then you can live quiet, peaceful lives. The photo shows wholeness, it shows life, I see the power of God. They are covered.
We need to rise up, the church especially, We need to understand what true forgiveness is. Unforgiveness does not hold the offender but it tears down the one who holds it. Let us heal and inspires others to heal as well so we can pray for our nation with pure hearts.

As a nation we should know when the head is covered we are all covered (Psalms 133). However, we are a divided people who are tossed and turned by wind (Ephesians 4:14). We are moved emotionally and do not take time to think or see in the future (2 Chorithians 5:7). We need grounding and integrity. This is a story for another day.

Angeline Nyabepu
Loveflow Ministries

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