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  • Writer's pictureAngeline Nyabepu

Do the work of an Evangelist.

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

Matthew 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come".

My thoughts on the current issue.

When tragedy happens, and people die, most of the time we hurt for the departed. However, I find myself hurting for the loved ones left without a good bye, closure and wonder how they will move on from such pain. My prayer is " God, please comfort, heal them from loss and trauma”.

I hurt for the departed especially when l imagine the fear, feelings and torment they had before they died. I am a deep feeler and thinker, I can’t help but speculate their last moments, and this just breaks my heart. However, for those that knew the Lord l am consoled that they are in a better place in the kingdom. The kingdom came to them and they responded by accepting to live joyfully and peacefully in it for eternity. Here is what mostly pains my heart. Those that did not accept it or those that did not get the chance to hear it proclaimed to them.

I find myself crying apologizing to Jesus, because l feel it hurts Him more than we do. I believe that Jesus wishes for no one to perish but to have everlasting life with Him. Jesus desires to see most people, if not everyone enter the kingdom of God. Some of the reasons could be because He has already opened that door for free and anyone can live in eternity with Him, He offers a life of peace, joy with none of the earthly problems we face. Love compels Him to give people life and life in abundance.

One other thing that l have learnt is to have hope of salvation because the last hours of life can cause people to make a decision that changes their eternal destination. Jesus is always ready to set free and to give new life.

What really sobers me up is my responsibility, l find myself crying to the Lord for mercy over myself and other Christians all over the world. Did we do the work of the evangelist? Was the assignment towards any of them fulfilled? Did we meet them and never shared the kingdom with them? Amid rejoicing for those who enter heaven l am saddened for Jesus and for those who didn’t make it. This my friends gives me sleepless nights. The competitions, the things we get into a rat race for, the fights, the things that we think are important just become vanity. Only life with Christ now and in the life to come is meaningful. I ask myself questions like what is the thing that I will do that will make Jesus say to me “good and faithful servant”. Jesus came preaching the kingdom has come because that was what He knew was more important than anything else. I believe because it was the thing that would give a meaningful substantial, peaceful and forever life. I personally think the same message is what is needed in this hour as we are in the last days.

We have a responsibility of those we live among, those we meet at work and see on our way. We need to find a way to tell them about Jesus, so that when they depart the earth we cry because we miss them but rejoice that they are in a better place. I pray we all do the work of the Evangelist and we put our selfish desires aside and hold a kingdom mind and perspective. Let us remember the heart of Jesus hurts when people perish without salvation especially if he has already paid for their lives when He died on the cross and rose again so we may have life.

Our Job is to say yes! Lord l will be your conduit and l will allow you to use me to declare your kingdom to my neighbours, family and whoever you choose. Let me not be a hindrance to your people who need to know you. They can only know if they hear a teacher, so help me be that teacher.

Friends we will one day follow, everyone will go but while we are here let us love and care for each other by speaking the word of salvation.

Start where you are. Pray for salvation for your relatives, friends, community, work mates, children’s school teachers, everywhere you go declare the kingdom of God and trust the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

Let the Loveflow

Angeline x

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